Secure your caravan or trailer with our range of SAS trailer locks.
Alko AK160, AK180, AK300 Hitches, ALKO AK161 & AK270 Hitches, Caravan & Motorhome, Caravan Hitch Locks, Marine, Towing Hitch Locks, Trailer Hitch Locks, Trailer Hitch Locks, Trailer Security
Fortress Hitchlock (FORT)
The SAS Fort Hitch Lock is a versatile hitchlock designed for use with multiple hitches. The Fort Hitchlock is super secure with all the up to date security features.
Albe Cast Hitch, Alko AK350 Cast Hitch, Alko AK351 Hitches, Knott Avonride Cast Hitch, Knott K27 & K35 Cast Hitch, Marine, Towing Hitch Locks, Trailer Hitch Locks, Trailer Hitch Locks, Trailer Security, Winterhoff WW200 Cast Hitch
Fortress A Hitchlock (FORTA)
The SAS Fortress A hitch lock range is a versatile range of high security hitchlocks that can be fitted either when unhitched or hitched to your trailer or caravan.
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Alko AK301 Hitch, Bradley Autohead 2.7 & 3.5kg Hitches, Marine, Towing Hitch Locks, Trailer Hitch Locks, Trailer Hitch Locks, Trailer Security
Fortress B Hitchlock (FORTB)
The SAS Fortress B Hitch Lock range is a versatile range of high security hitchlocks that can be fitted either when unhitched or hitched to your trailer or caravan.
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Alko AK301 Hitch, Alko AK351 Hitches, Marine, Towing Hitch Locks, Trailer Hitch Locks, Trailer Hitch Locks, Trailer Security
Fortress AK Hitchlock (FORTAK)
The SAS Fortress AK Hitch Lock (FORTA) is the fourth hitchlock in the Series of Fortress Hitchlocks. The FORTAK combines Quality, Security and simplicity into one giving you full peace…
Albe Pressed Hitch, Knott Pressed Hitch, Marine, Towing Hitch Locks, Trailer Hitch Locks, Trailer Hitch Locks, Trailer Security, Winterhoff WW13 & WW150 Hitches, Winterhoff WW30 Cast Hitch, Winterhoff WW8 Hitch
Fortress K Hitchlock (FORTK)
The SAS Fortress K Hitch Lock (FORTK) is the fourth hitchlock in the Series of Fortress Hitchlocks. The FORTK combines Quality, Security and simplicity into one giving you peace of…
Marine, Towing Hitch Locks, Trailer Hitch Locks, Trailer Hitch Locks, Trailer Security, Unbraked Hitchlocks
Fortress TU Hitchlock (FORT TU)
The SAS Fortress TU Hitch Lock (FORTTU) is the fourth hitchlock in the Series of Fortress Hitchlocks. The FORTTU combines Quality, Security and simplicity into one giving you peace of…
Alko AK160, AK180, AK300 Hitches, Alko AKS1300 Stabilising Hitch, Alko AKS2004 Stabilising Hitch, Alko AKS3004 Stabilising Hitch, Caravan & Motorhome, Caravan Hitch Locks, Marine, Towing Hitch Locks, Trailer Hitch Locks, Trailer Hitch Locks, Trailer Security
Fortress 2 Gold Hitchlock for AL-KO Stabilising Head
The SAS Fortress 2 Gold Hitch Lock (FORT2GOLD) is the last hitchlock in the Fortress Range and probably the most unique. The FORT2GOLD has many amazing security features which can…
Albe Pressed Hitch, Alko AK160, AK180, AK300 Hitches, Caravan & Motorhome, Caravan Hitch Locks, Marine, Towing Hitch Locks, Trailer Hitch Locks, Trailer Hitch Locks, Trailer Security, Winterhoff WW13 & WW150 Hitches, Winterhoff WW30 Cast Hitch, Winterhoff WW8 Hitch
Original Hitchlock HL1
The original hitchlock range is a secure and versatile hitchlock that can be locked when hitched or unhitched to the towing vehicle.
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All terrain vehicles, Chains, Chains, Cables, Padlocks & Ground Anchors, Property Security, Universal Security
General-Purpose Chain, 1500 x 8mm
This 8mm round link chain offers an excellent combination of strength and convenience, light enough to handle but still incredibly strong and secure to give you reassurance.
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All terrain vehicles, Chains, Chains, Cables, Padlocks & Ground Anchors, Property Security, Universal Security
SAS Multi-Purpose 1500 x 8mm Round Shackle Chain with C-Type Padlock
This 8mm round link chain offers an excellent combination of strength and convenience, light enough to handle but still incredibly strong and secure to give you reassurance.
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Chains, Cables, Padlocks & Ground Anchors, Knott Pressed Hitch, Padlocks, Padlocks, Padlocks, Property Security, Towing Hitch Locks, Trailer Hitch Locks, Trailer Hitchlocks, Trailer Security, Universal Security
KB21 Unilock
The SAS KB21 Unilock Padlock is a special-purpose shackle lock suitable for many applications. It benefits from a large opening, but with an unusually small shackle diameter, often it fits…
Marine, SAS Green Range, Trailer Security, Trailer Wheel Clamps, Trailer Wheel Clamps, Wheel Clamps
The SAS GREEN V3 COMPACT wheel clamp is an insurance approved lightweight, easy to use wheel clamp suitable for small trailer wheels designed to protect your vehicle from theft.
All terrain vehicles, Car & Van Wheel Clamps, Caravan & Motorhome, Caravan Wheel Clamps, Marine, Motorhome Wheel Clamps, Quad, ATV & UTV Locks, Quad, ATV & UTV Wheelclamp Range, SAS Green Range, Trailer Security, Trailer Wheel Clamps, Trailer Wheel Clamps, Vehicles, Wheel Clamps
SAS GREEN V3 Wheelclamp
The SAS GREEN V3 Wheelclamp is an insurance approved lightweight, easy to use wheelclamp designed to deter thieves from your vehicle. The wheelclamp is suitable for caravans, motorhomes, trailers, cars,…
All terrain vehicles, Car & Van Wheel Clamps, SAS Green Range, Towing Hitch Locks, Trailer Hitch Locks, Trailer Hitch Locks, Trailer Hitchlocks, Unbraked Hitchlocks
The SAS GREEN VITAL hitchlock is an easy to use lock designed to fit 50mm ball style trailer coupling hitches.
All terrain vehicles, Car & Van Wheel Clamps, SAS Green Range, Towing Hitch Locks, Trailer Hitch Locks, Trailer Hitch Locks, Trailer Hitchlocks
The SAS GREEN VALIANT hitchlock is a big brother of the VITAL model, having a very robust cast main body and double-locking thicker top U bar, making it a useful…
Caravan Hitch Locks, Padlocks, SAS Green Range, Trailer Hitch Locks, Trailer Hitch Locks, Trailer Hitchlocks, Trailer Hitchlocks, Unbraked Hitchlocks
SAS GREEN VAULT Hitchlock, with Padlock
The SAS GREEN VAULT hitchlock is a strong box hitchlock that is simple, lightweight and easy to use and comes supplied with a SAS DC70 stainless steel disk padlock with…